Meet our founder

The habit of cleaning has been present in my life since I was a kid, as my mother is an extremely clean person and raised me accepting no less of me in that matter. 

Even as a small kid I would always clean after myself and help her in every way she thought I could. I had the biggest compliments from family and friends that used to come visit us as they would see my room and closet always spotless. 

I remember that being one of the first things- if not the very first- I felt proud of myself for. 

As I grew up, at some point, my mom decided we would no longer have professional cleaners in the house thus keeping it clean and neat while she was working became my duty and so she taught me how to be effective and thorough doing it. 

And it was like that for years and years. 

After finishing school in 

PR and Marketing in 2016 I had an insight that by bringing those two skills together I could not only make a living out of something that has always felt really natural to me but also actually make a difference in people’s lives on a daily basis and be tenderly recognized by it. 

For my surprise though no marketing or heavy advertising was ever needed to bring the Elite Cleaning Experts to an accomplished life but rather a deep desire, a sense of purpose and devotion.

Five years have passed since I made the decision of giving it all the effort and hard work that this business takes, and I can only feel grateful for everything I’ve learned, for what this business is truly about caring for others acknowledging that our homes are -or should be- the most special place where family, dreams and projects are conceived and nurtured. It’s our cozy nest and it deserves to be treated as such.

This is what I was taught my whole life and today seeing my clients happy when they come to a clean home is just inspiring and brings me back that feeling of pride to be doing something valuable for others.

To do so we are now a team of 8 spirited   motivated women attending the local demand in PA and NJ holding 100+ clients striving to provide you with the best cleaning experience you may have. 

And over the years that has given us clients that feel like something else to us. 

Be warmly welcome to our family!

Ingrid Borges CEO & Founder


To be recognized by our standards, not only regarding our quality of cleaning, but also our great customer service and relationship management.


Provide to our clients with customized cleaning service by listening close to their expectations, taking a pro-active approach in defining their needs and building up a solid and friendly long-term partnering relationship. 







Respect for one another

Continuous improvement 

Social responsibility